What is a "welfare check" or the "community caretaking doctrine"
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Soler & Simon Criminal Defense Blog
***This blog is meant to be informational only and not legal advice. Be sure to speak to an attorney about your unique situation. Do not rely on anything written here to make a decision in your case***
Have you been charged with DUI and suffer from medical or mental health conditions?
What is discovery in a criminal case?
The state is asking for jail at my arraignment for my criminal case, what can I do?
What can happen if a witness or victim does not show up for deposition in a battery case?
Has your friend or loved one been sitting in jail for 30 days with no charges filed?
What are depositions? Can I attend the depositions in my criminal case?
I have an old criminal case in Florida and I now live out of state, what can I do?
What is an arraignment for a criminal case in Florida?
Can I get my DUI reduced to a Reckless Driving charge?
What is the 20 minute observation period in a DUI Case?
What may happen if I do not go to court (or miss a court date) for my criminal case?
What is Supervised Release (SPR) in Sarasota, FL?
I cannot do supervised release, help!
What Happens after Someone is Arrested for Domestic Battery in Sarasota, FL?
Is your Florida license suspended for 5 years (HTO) because of civil driving on suspended citations?
Sarasota First Appearance Attorney for Domestic Battery and Domestic Violence Cases
What is a VOP Early Case Resolution (ECR) In Sarasota, Florida?
Defenses to Tampering with Evidence Charges - How To Fight and Beat A Tampering Case
Charged with possession of drugs after an overdose in Florida?